Our very own Dr. Robin Rosen-sharp travelled down to Miami, FL this past month to attend the Veterinary Medicine Expo where she had attended lectures and seminars to keep up with the latest in veterinary medicine. We sat down to interview here to learn more about her experience:
What were the most impactful sessions or workshops you attended?
"I spent the whole day with the small mammal specialists. They went over a lot of great things! They spoke about rabbits, guinea pigs, and spoke about specific pathologies according to the species. Some subjects covered were heart disease, respiratory disease, neurology, urinary diseases, sepsis, and the medication recommendations in response to those things. I thought this was very interesting."
Did you discover any new techniques or technologies that you want to integrate into our practice?
"Yes! There were a couple of things regarding canine rehab. One was that shockwave therapy was introduced and can really help with chronic arthritic cases that are not getting better. It increases blood flow, creates microscopic injuries to help break down scar tissue, and helps the body create a better healing environment."
Were there any speakers or presentations that stood out to you?
"The group of presentations regarding small mammals was really good. It inspired me to pursue higher quality medicine on top of what we already do for our small mammal exotic patients. It made me purchase the updated version of the Exotic Animal Formulary which is now twice as thick compared to the edition I have been using for years!"
Any memorable takeaways from the expo?
It was a great experience overall. Because it is such a big convention, you meet new people at each presentation. It was fun meeting other doctors and technicians from across the country and hearing about where they are from and what they do!"