Veterinary Radiology Serviceskenzie and val radiology

Available at all three of our clinics, radiographs play a crucial role in veterinary clinics providing benefits for both animals and their owners. 

  • Convenience & Accessibility: Having X-ray facilities at all three of our clinics means that clients have access to this valuable services without need for extensive travel. This can aid in early diagnosis, regular check-ups, and prompt treatments. 
  • Timely Diagnoses: The availability of X-ray services allows our veterinarians to swiftly diagnose various health conditions, including fractures, joint problems, and internal organ issues. Timely diagnoses lead to faster treatment plans and improved recovery outcomes.
  • Comprehensive Services: By offering X-ray capabilities across all clinics, we ensure a comprehensive suite of diagnostic tools. This enables our veterinarians to make informed decisions and deliver a higher standard of care to our animal patients. Every radiograph set we take for our patients is sent to a board certified veterinary radiologist for official interpretations.
  • Immediate Intervention: In cases of emergencies or acute conditions, having X-ray services readily accessible aids in providing immediate intervention. This is particularly crucial in critical situations where rapid diagnosis can make a significant difference in patient outcomes.
  • Holistic Approach: The presence of X-ray facilities aligns with our clinics' commitment to a holistic approach to animal healthcare. It showcases our dedication to staying at the forefront of veterinary medicine and technology.
  • Surgical Planning: For cases that require surgical intervention, radiological images aid veterinarians in planning and executing procedures with greater precision, minimizing risks and improving surgical outcomes.
  • Monitoring Progress: Radiological services are vital for tracking the progress of ongoing treatments or surgical recoveries. Follow-up imaging can reveal improvements or potential complications, guiding adjustments to the treatment plan.



Veterinary radiological services are essential for accurate diagnoses, effective treatment planning, and the overall well-being of your dog or cat. By providing non-invasive, early, and detailed insights into pets' health conditions, these services enhance the quality of care