Brushing a dog's teeth with a pet toothbrushBy: Christine Koporc MSc and Jennifer Kartley DVM

We acknowledge daily tooth brushing is difficult to implement for any pet, especially if they are not willing participants. Even though brushing your pet's teeth may pose a challenge, the benefits really do outweigh the initial frustrations.

Brushing your pet's teeth daily is a small investment with significant long-term benefits. Just like us, when you forget your toothbrush on a trip, you quickly notice the onset of bad breath in your pet. Let's take a peek at some of the long-term benefits of brushing!

Is Teeth Brushing & Pet Dental Care at Home Really That Important?

The short answer is a resounding yes. Your role in your pet's dental care at home is crucial. You are their first line of defense against dental disease after all!

Brushing your pet's teeth daily with enzymatic toothpaste helps lower the burden of bacteria in the mouth. Just like us, if you skip a day of brushing, you will accumulate bacteria on the surface of your teeth. This is what we officially term "plaque." If not removed quickly, this sticky bacteria-filled biofilm adheres to the dental surfaces and will cement down and progress to "tartar." A Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment (COHAT) will be needed to remove the cemented tartar and address other resulting problems.

Brushing a cat's cat teeth for pet dental care at homeEffects Of Plaque And Tartar In a Pet’s Mouth

A comparison can be made between a pet's mouth and cement walkways. If you clean a walkway with soap and a scrub brush every day, it will stay clean. However if you stop, the debris that accumulates will need power washing to remove it fully.

A COHAT is how we remove the cemented tartar, like removing dirt on a walkway. Further concerns arise when advanced dental disease is found during the cleaning and radiographs, resulting in needed treatments. Plaque causes periodontal disease because it consists of a large number of bacteria. This bacteria causes a lot of irritation to the gum line, where varying degrees of infection result.

Because some teeth in the mouths of our furry friends have deep roots, a tooth root abscess or eventually oronasal fistulas can form. An oronasal fistula occurs when  infection in the mouth chews a hole into the nasal cavity. As disgusting as this all sounds, proper oral care including daily brushing can prevent this painful problem. The cost of treating these advanced dental diseases can be significant, making preventive care a cost-effective solution. 

How To Brush Your Pet's Teeth

Dog and cat teeth brushing is something that any pet owner can master with a little time and patience, and we’ll save you the hassle of watching endless “How to Brush Your Dog’s Teeth” videos and share our best tips for brushing your pet’s teeth right here.

The first hurdle for owners can be simply touching your pet's mouth. Start by gently touching their face and lifting their lips to help desensitize them to this interaction. Make sure to provide lots of praise and use their favorite treats to make a positive experience.

Next, introduce the toothbrush and enzymatic toothpaste. There are different meat-based flavors available on the market. Your pet can take it like a treat off your finger or a toy to start. Then, slowly progress to touching your pet's mouth and teeth while they eat it. You can also put some on the toothbrush and have them eat off of it.

As you gradually progress with your pet's comfort, you will eventually be able to gently brush their teeth, focusing on the outer tooth surface in their mouth. Luckily, the normal action of the pet's tongue is often adequate enough to use alongside enzymatic toothpaste to control accumulation on the inner tooth surface.

Pro tip: Keeping your pet's dental care supplies next to your own will help remind you each day to attend to their dental health needs alongside your own. With consistent use, many pets come to expect this daily interaction.  

What Toothpastes Are Safe For Dogs And Cats?

Toothpaste selection is important whether shopping in-store or online. Make sure the product is made for pets, is enzymatic, and has the VOHC seal of approval. Enzymatic toothpaste works to support the natural antibacterial properties of saliva. The enzymes do the hard work once you get the paste on the teeth. When used long-term while brushing, you will be able to significantly inhibit the formation of plaque and tartar on your pet's teeth. The VOHC indication means it has been scientifically proven to reduce the amount of plaque and tartar in the mouth.

Check out our Amazon wish list for toothpaste suggestions alongside other fun things for your furry family members. Our list includes a variety of toothpaste flavors, toothbrushes designed for pets, and other dental care products recommended by our veterinarians. 

A dog smiling before brushing your pet's teeth

Let's Get Brushing

Whether you are a seasoned pro or a newcomer to veterinary dental work, having an established brushing routine provides your pet with innumerable benefits. Other dental care products are available such as rinses, water additives, and dental chews, but skipping brushing is equivalent to us only using mouthwash or eating hard foods to remove plaque and tartar buildup. The best way to clean pet teeth is to follow a consistent brushing regimen at home and work with your veterinarian to identify any other areas of opportunity for improved dental health for your cat or dog.

Having a cleaner mouth free of diseased teeth will not only make sure your pet is free from pain but also prevent bad breath in your dog or cat. If you are interested in having your pet's dental health assessed, call to schedule an appointment with one of our veterinarians.